Sunday, June 23, 2013

FACE to FACE with His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar on 23rd June, 2013 LIVE on Facebook

                           Face to Face with His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar on 23rd June, 2013

Q. How do u manage to work 20 hours a day?
A. When u want to do work, energy comes to u. I do only that which is my nature. 
Love is the BIGGEST Force on the planet, when we connect to our Self, we get enormous energy, Enthusiasm is not lost

Q. How do I explain SUCCESS to my children?
Sri Sri - Children don't mind success or failure, let them be, don't impose these ideas on them. For adults, it is ur SMILE & CONFIDENCE. Ur ability to share & care for people defines Success. For children, just remind them they need to study & make effort but don't impose the idea of success on them, protect the naturalness & creativity in them.

Q. How to achieve success?
A. Hardwork, Smartwork, Open to ideas, Meditate!

Q. What if people have different idea for success?
A. Let them have it, u focus on ur goal, every failure is stepping stone is Success. Don't be too feverish about it. Improve the perfection in action, in our attitude.

Q. How does one feel secure?
A. Confidence, few minutes of meditation. Look back in ur Life, so many times u had obstacles, but u have crossed them all. Bad incidents have made u strong, given u confidence.

Q. How do we know if I have given 100%?
A. How do u know if ur tummy is full, u have pain in ur leg. Its so obvious. When u give 100% contentment dawns. When there is lack, mind says, oh I could have done that. Accept the Past without regret, and next time give ur 100%

Q. How do we deal with demonstrations in Brazil. Agitation?
A. When people are not getting what they want, agitation is obvious. Its a good sign that people are waking up, they are standing up against injustice, corruption. Its a good thing but it should not turn violent. We need to see that they are for a cause, not against a person. Every one has the ability to transform, we must identify that. Maintain the decorum and focused on the goal, be aware of the violent tendencies. Non-violence is the Key!! If violence happens, there is no other way other than using the Force. Non-violence peaceful revolution is so much needed in the World.

Q. Same happening in Turkey?
A. A great cause has many challenges, when the challenges are BIG, we need to hold on to our Values. I know its hard, but we need to take care & keep our spirit alive. When we are so strong in our resolution, its a long way, there are all types of people who want power, who do violence, we need to take extra caution to make sure that we remain non-violent, know that TRUTH always win, when u know it, then u move ahead.
When we are stressed, we are angry, we get shaken. For this purpose, we need to have energy, be open to dialogue & don't blame a person as bad person.
Gandhi never blamed British as bad, he was always open to dialogue. Keep the line of communication open, and move ahead. Be Non-violent!!

For Uttarakhand - When we know that the area is prone to natural calamities, we need to really take care of environment, Deforestation is a big problem in Himalayas, dams were built that could have done in different way.
Pilgrimage area know that there are thousands who come every year, but the care is not being taken properly. 
AOL Volunteers have gone to help people, these are the times when we need to extend our hands and provide help. 
Govt need to check with Weather Dept, Disaster Management, so many areas to improve. Really thankful to all those who are putting so much to help people.

INDIAN ARMY - Dedication is invaluable, we must thank them for their efforts.
Think about how to avoid Terrorism, how to prevent. By enjoying Diversity, being open to others' ideas. Violence, Pain will not give solution at all. Being open to communication will help, prevention is a MUST. I would recommend little bit of breathing & relax, be open to the Change. Every culprit is a victim inside.

Q. Too much of competition in Korea, increasing suicides, what to do?
A. When the energy goes down, u get depressed, further goes down, u get suicidal thoughts. Bring ur energy UP, raise ur enthusiasm. Not just poor people suicide, even rich ppl do that, its just the state of mind. We need to educate them, violence to oneself is as good as violence to other. If u find anyone with slightest tendency, get them into good company, to sing, to dance, make them realize LIFE is much more than relationship & job, achievements, materialistic things, see LIFE from bigger perspective. Engage in SEVA, Service. Mental depression is worse than material depression.
AOL is actively involved & I invite all of u to join us!

Q. Pilgrimage disaster - People came with so much of faith & faced the calamity. How to maintain the Faith?
A. Know that Nature / God is impartial. God is not just in Kedarnath, He is in ur Heart. There has been a lot of negligence in our pilgrimage, not suitable to handle such crowds. 
Many such times FAITH gets shaken, but know that TRUTH shall win. This is the time to pray, don't lose ur Heart. For Lord, there is nothing partial. See what u can do to people around u. May GOD gives strength at this time of crisis. 
Its time that we put better roads, transport system. People will go there anyways, lets learn from this tragedy that this should not happen in the part of human negligence.

Parents need to take care that we create a barrier in the mind to not to touch any substance, drugs. Like when plant is grown, we put fence, similar mental barrier is required here. LOVE, Greed, Fear can get people back to normal. 
Yoga & Meditation easily brings u out of addiction.

Spiritualize Politics, Socialize Business & Secularize Religion - Lets be open to new ideas, Businessmen take some social responsibility, Politician think about the people first then think about urself. Not shortsightedness but have Open Mind & BIG vision, so everyone MEDITATE!!

Q. What is PEACE? How can we get it in our life, how to include it in education system?
A. From children we need to learn a lot, 7 vows to take ::
Making one new friend every day. Bring out the friendliness in them.
Laugh & Let GO!! Nobody alien, feel they are part of u.
The goal of religion is to bring PEACE & bring close to our SELF!
Help the fellow human being, essence of religion is the Light within us.
Culture changes with area, Diversity is the beauty of Nature. Its an opportunity of Celebration. We need to eat proper food, meditate 10-15 minutes, relax ur body, mind, intellect, u'll find u r an ocean of LOVE, u r a mountain of ideas.

Never doubt or ask for an proof of love from someone. It is impossible to force love on someone, it is spontaneous. It comes from within and its delicate to handle that love you need skill, and that skill comes from wisdom

Every FACE in this World is a book of GOD!!

Jai Guru Dev!