Saturday, August 21, 2010

Being the Drawing Board

This beautiful analogy came from the discussions on Yoga Vashishtha between me and Neerav. Hope you like it..

Imagine there is a huge Drawing Board with a white sheet of paper on it.
There are four colours that can be used to draw anything on the white sheet.
These four colours are : RED, BLUE, GREY and BROWN.

These colours combine in various proportions and create a lot of drawings on the paper.
An interesting fact is that no matter whatever be the Drawing is, it always exists on the white sheet. These four colours represent the four elements namely FIRE,WATER,AIR and EARTH.
They combine in different proportions and form the entire Universe that we perceive through the senses. All of these four elements exist in the Space element which is nothing but the white sheet.
Also, these drawings keep changing with Time, hence any drawing is governed by the two co-0rdinates - Space & Time.
However, the Drawing Board (which encompasses the White Sheet and all the drawings) is beyond the limitations of Space & Time. It remains untouched/untainted by these drawings.
It is the Infinite Consciousness which does not change with Space & Time. It is only reality that exists... as it is said, TRUTH is that which does not change.
Even the brush that draws, is also the part of the Drawing Board. It is nothing but the thought/ notion that is responsible for the manifestation of this Creation. As the world-appearance is so unreal, one can manifest by putting constant attention on an Intention.

Going deeper and deeper one realizes the very fact that one is the Drawing Board and nothing exists other than that. When the notion cease to exist... that is Liberation... :)

Do post your comments..
